German I Daily Activities
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Remind send to: 81010 message: @gwn4 for Period 4 or @gwn6 for Period 6 or @gwn7 for Period 7
Quizlet: fraudvorak
Friday 7 March
Took quiz 5-3
Worked on projects
Thursday 6 March
Took quiz 5-2
Studied for quiz 5-3
Shared conversations to class. (for a grade)
Pick between one of the following projects. Due next Tuesday. I recommend the Modenschau!
Wednesday 5 March
Took quiz 5-1
Studied for quiz 5-2
Wrote conversation to go with picture on bottom of page 141.
Tuesday 4 March
Turn in extra 5 infos about Karneval
Studied for Quiz 5-1
Played game in some classes
Monday 3 March
Karneval presentation - must watch back class if gone.
Friday 28 February
FRAU DVORAK out sick!
Thursday 27 February
Watch these three clips (in order) and write a short summary of what you watched.
Wednesday 26 February
Grammar day, page 143 and 144 in book.
Went through separable prefixes worksheet
Reviewed vocabulary
Tuesday 25 February
Listened to songs for Musik Maerz Madness
Monday 24 February
Went through Grammys writings.
Reviewed vocabulary
Friday 21 February
Practiced ihn and other pronouns, page 150, ex. 6
Thursday 20 February
Practice ihn and other pronouns, page 140, ex. 19 b
Start Die Grammys 2025 (pick 2-3) Write description, opinions, sign your work.
Wednesday 19 February
Reviewed vocab from section 2 (page 137, 138, 139)
Tuesday 18 February
Started vocab for section 2 (page 137, 138)
Friday 7 February
Fun Day, test make up day
Played Gimkit or made up test
Thursday 6 February
Took chapter 4 test
Wednesday 5 February
Took quiz 4-3
Went over test items for Thursday
Tuesday 4 February
Took quizzes 4-1 and 4-2
Studied for 4-3
Monday 3 February
Listening to classmates: CLICK HERE,
pick 5 people - listen for 2 school items, 2 prices, and 2 exclamations. Write down and turn in.
Friday 31 January
Finished up projects
Reviewed vocab - played game in some classes
Thursday 30 January
Work day
Wednesday 29 January
Finished any speaking activities if needed.
Went over vocabulary for section 4-3
Got assignment for school supply ad ( page 117 ex. 28, 29a)
Worked on assignment
Tuesday 28 January
Did speaking activity - sharing prices of school items
went over vocab on parge 116 and re-wrote some of the direction words (also on bottom of vocab page)
Monday 27 January
Filled in Klassenzimmer picture vocab
Practice Plurals here (don't forget to hit submit)
Page 115 - Practiced the So sagt man das. Read the Ein wenig Landeskunde and Ein wenig Grammatik
Looked up the Euro exchange rate.
Friday 24 January
Went through the Schulsachen and Schule extra vocab sheets. Added required extra vocab in notes.
Thursday 23 January
Frau Dvorak gone in the morning
Do page 27
Watch Muzzy or practice vocab after
Wednesday 22 January
Filled out 'Zeugnis' in extra pages. Asked each other about grades. Page 112 for help.
Reviewed beginning of section 3 and learned how to make plurals.
Tuesday 21 January
Went through all of section 2 (110-112) Reviewed section 1 vocab. Practiced asking about Lieblings-
Friday 17 January
Finished speaking activity with the class schedules. (Participation grade)
Reviewed vocab. Practiced zuerst, dann, danach, zuletzt
Thursday 16 January
Reviewed vocab - working on pronunciation of the subjects
Practiced times.
Looked at an actual train schedule and brochure
Started schedule activity asking when something is. Filling in the classes that they hear.
Wednesday 15 January
Schule Kultur Diskussion - take notes, much of this is not listed somewhere else.
Finish up page 120 ex. 1 & 2 exercises
Practice vocab
Tuesday 14 January
Review vocab - pronunciation
Listening pg 107 ex. 9
and pg 108 ex. 10
Some page 120 ex. 1 & 2
Monday 13 January
Crossword questions
Tagebuch questions
page 106 So sagt man das - read/translate
page 106 ex. 8 (use Tagebuch from Friday)
start page 107
review vocab
Friday 10 January
Frau Dvorak gone - do crossword bring questions on Monday
Thursday 9 January
Read school reading - highlight 5 interesting/new things
Began chapter 4 on page 105, looking at the vocab and talking about the Stundenplan
Wednesday 8 January
Tagebuch - introduction - discussed front cover
Read chapter 3 expanding profiles
Tuesday 7 January
Watched the fireworks news
Read 2-3 profiles as a class. Translated.
Watched Muzzy
Monday 6 January
Finished up Bleigießen with everyone.
Played Gimkit
Friday 6 December
Nickolaus Tag!
Work on Stammbaum
Watch this wild ride
Thursday 5 December
Took Quiz 3-2
Bring your shoes today!
Finished Advent and Weihnachten presentation - What is the most interesting things you learned?
Went through characteristic vocab.
Wednesday 4 December
Tagebuch and turned in
Took Quiz 3-1
Reviewed 3-2 Vocab
Went over Advent Weihnachten presentation
Tuesday 3 December
Reviewed Vocab from 3-1
Looked at class Stammbaum and filled in lines - turn in
Worked on rearranging the names for the Stammbaum Creation - turn in
Monday 2 December
Discussed Tagebuch
Reviewed vocab from chapter 3
Wrote a room description - turn in
Work on Stammbaum Creation.
Wednesday 27 November
Finished up Turkeys and either reviewed vocab or played a game.
Tuesday 26 November
Work on Turkey
Review vocab
Monday 25 November
Went through vocabulary
and added new vocab on pages 81, 82, and 83.
Got Turkey assignment:
Thursday 21 November
Reviewed chapter 3-1 and 3-2 Vocab. Practiced pronouns (er, sie, es) page 79
Practiced talking about things around us.
Wednesday 20 November
Review vocab from section 3-1
Discussed ex. page 77 (written in Tagebuch)
Added "Wo wohnst du" discussion to yesterday's conversation. (period 2)
Went over new vocab in PowerPoint and page 78
Tuesday 19 November
Reviewed phrases on 73 & 74
Read through all parts of page 75, did ex 10 and reviewed in class
Read through all parts of page 76, did ex 11
Modified ex. 12 to be a written conversation of people asking what others would like to eat and drink. Turn in for review.
H.W. Page 77, A 1 & 2, write answers in Tagebuch (with today's Tagebuch)
Monday 18 November
Looked at board to learn new vocabulary in context. Reviewed new vocabulary. (section 3-1 Wo wohnst du)
Read through vocab on page 73. Write our own answer and wrote about "Ken"
Page 74, ex. 7 - oral review
Page 75 Went over vocab at top and in blue box.
Page 74 Went through the phrases on bottom
Added Dorf and Hauptstadt to our vocab.
Friday 15 November
Finished up presentations
Played some Gimkits
Thursday 14 November
Presentation Day!
Watched videos from book
Chapter 1, page 18: Video:
Chapter 2, page 44: Video:
Wednesday 13 November
WORK DAY! Kapitel 2 Projekt Due Thursday!
Tuesday 12 November
WORK DAY Kapitel 2 Projekt Due Thursday!
Friday 8 November
Take large vocab quiz
Begin project (work while others are still "testing") Due next Thursday.
Thursday 7 November
Pop Quiz 2-3
Translate one more Expanded Profile as a class
Go over Project due Thursday.
Go over vocab and phrases
Turn in yesterday's profiles
Play Gimkit Draw
Wednesday 6 November
Pop Quiz 2-2
Practice vocab from section 2-3
Wer ist das? - (<---Click that link)Find your name and translate your own profile (written or typed). Find another person's profile and translate.
Tuesday 5 November
Pop Quiz 2-1
Went over some conjugations on the board
Practiced the vocab from section 2-2
Did one more translation from the Expanded Readings as a class.
Played ladder game
Monday 4 November
Did some conjugations on the board
Went through some conjugation practice
Practiced vocab from 2-1
Worked on conjugation worksheet
Played matching game
Friday 1 November
Double check all of the following are turned in:
Konjugation 2
Readings Translate
Translated 1 more Expanded Reading
Worked on Verb Conjugation sheet
Thursday 31 October
Writings on other person and translation due.
Played Gimkit
Wednesday 30 October
Chose German code names
Learned about German naming conventions
Looked at the Expanded Readings, chose 1. Translated (written) the one.
Started writing about a person. Write between 9-12 sentences.
Will finish on Thursday
Tuesday 29 October
Reviewed agreeing and disagreeing phrases.
Practiced word order rearranging
Read Expanding Profiles
Translated Maria in class.
Monday 28 October
Went through opinions again, from Friday. asking, saying, and responding
Did Konjugation 2, turn in.
Friday 23 October
Went through word order, times of day.
Opinions and agreeing and disagreeing phrases.
Played Gimkit
Thursday 24 October
Reviewed gern. Added gern to our sentences from the previous 2 days.
Looked at page 55 and 56 (practiced word order) VERB SECOND
Wednesday 23 October
Reviewed and checked over the sentences from the day before, make sure everything is in the correct order and conjugated correctly.
Wrote questions (yes and no questions)
5-10 du questions (Kochst du? Spielst du Basketball?)
3 ihr questions (Kocht ihr? Spielt ihr Basketball?)
3 Sie Questions (Kochen Sie? Spielen Sie Basketball?)
demonstrated other questions (Koche ich? Kocht Tim? Kochen wir? Kochen sie?)
Tuesday 22 October
Reviewed vocab
Wrote lists of things that people do.
10 sentences of ich (Ich koche. Ich spiele Basketball.)
3 sentences of er/sie/ (someone's name) (Er kocht. Jana kocht.)
3 sentences of wir (Wir kochen.)
3 sentences of sie (Sie kochen.)
Monday 21 October
Reviewed activities
learned gern
Made individual class lists of activities.
Wednesday 16 October
Reviewed yesterday's work, added gern and nicht gern
Went through pages 50 & 51 with new vocab
Tuesday 15 October
Looked at pages 47-49 and went through vocabulary and practiced
Monday 14 October
Friday 11 October
Wrapped the week of the important topics, formal, nouns, cognates, verbs
Played the pig game and/or Gimkit
Thursday 10 October
Reviewed Cognates, and Conjugation. Finished page 2 of Konjugation 1.
Looked at pigs.
Wednesday 9 October
Reviewed Formal and Informal and Cognates. Worked on page 1 of Konjugation.
Tuesday 8 October
Some classes - reviewed phrases
Worked on Cognates, Formal and Informal
Monday 7 October
PERIOD 1 ONLY - - - Gimkit
Reviewed phrases
Started on Formal and Informal and Cognates
Friday 4 October
Practiced Start Talking Phrases with flashcards
Played game with period 2.
Thursday 3 October
Oktoberfest due
Talked about Tagebuch - look up more information if you missed.
Finished going over Start Talking phrases.
Practiced phrases with each other.
Watched Muzzy.
Wednesday 2 Oktober
Took quiz 4
Finished Oktoberfest questions and answers
Worked on Oktoberfest work.
Went through the first page of Start Talking
Tuesday 1 Oktober
Practiced phrases for quiz 4 tomorrow
Shared questions and answers
Worked on Oktoberfest worksheets
Monday 30 September
Practiced phrases for quiz 4 on Wednesday
Worked on Oktoberfest worksheets.
Assigned "Oktoberfest Verstehen Bild" - Oktoberfest understanding picture
10 pictures and labels
7 Facts of Oktoberfest auf Deutsch/Englisch/Denglisch
Assigned: Fragen Antwort über Oktoberfest - As the internet a question about Oktoberfest to share on Tuesday.
Friday 27 September
Took Quiz 3
Finished Oktoberfest PowerPoint
Worked on Oktoberfest worksheets.
Thursday 26 September
Went through phrases
Went through Oktoberfest things PowerPoint here.
Wednesday 25 September
Went through Oktoberfest up to food
Tuesday 24 September
Took Quiz 2
Started Oktoberfest activities
Started Oktoberfest discussion
Monday 23 September
Studied for quiz, played connect 4
Friday 20 September
Reviewed vocab and played Gimkit.
Thursday 19 September
Took quiz 1
Took time to work on dialogue
Reviewed Phrases 2
Wednesday 18 September
Studied phrases
Wrote a dialogue between two people (at least)
If on own between 15 & 20 lines
with a partner between 25 & 35 lines
Use the phrases - helpful classroom expressions, and some other the earlier phrases.
Finished note taking.
Tuesday 17 September
Practiced phrases
Worked on finishing story
Took notes with extra vocabulary
Monday 16 September
Finished battleships
Worked on phrases 1
Friday 13 September
Tagebuch, review the week
Went through all phrases
Started writing a short story
Thursday 12 September
Message sent to site facilitators:
Donnerstag work
-Tagebuch (find on -->Tagebuch)
-Internet survey ( --> daily activities) CLICK ME!
-Dot-to-dot (printed paper from site facilitator and listening part is recorded on Extempore)(turn in via Remind or give to site facilitator) NOT A NORMAL DOT-TO-DOT!!!
-Study helpful classroom phrases & make conversations using these phrases; either 2 short (5ish lines) or 1 long (10ish lines) {Like: Was ist los? Ich bin krank. Schade. *sneezes in German. Gesundheit. Danke.}
-[if needed, catch up on missed Tagebuch, missed quizzes, missed assignments] If you missed the listening part of the quiz on Tuesday - that is on Extempore just for you, no one else. If you missed the Wednesday quiz on Extempore, get that made up. No notes for either.
If all done, be a great kid
Any questions, send a Remind message or email.
Wednesday 11 September
Took the Alphabet & Zahlen ORAL Quiz on Extempore
Went over what to do on Thursday.
Tuesday 10 September
Tagebuch (forgot in some classes, make up on Wednesday)
Took Alphabet & Zahlen Quiz
Played Battleships
Monday 9 September
Practiced spelling like we will on the quiz
Made Battleships games and started playing.
Friday 6 September
Bonus due
Did 3 lines in the Mathe und Zahlen (12 total now) Due on Tuesday next week.
Practiced spelling words
Went over the 2nd page of phrases
Thursday 5 September
Practiced ABC's and counting
Played Bingo with numbers and watched Muzzy for a few minutes.
Wednesday 4 September
Practiced spelling and ABC's
Assigned 3 more lines in Mathe und Zahlen (9 total at this point)
Practiced phrases.
Tuesday 3 September
Assigned 3 lines in Mathe und Zahlen (6 lines total at this point)
Bonus will be due on Friday.
Practiced ABCs and spelling.
Showed off Schultüten
Worked on new phrases.
Friday 30 August
Discussed the Schultüte
Made Schultüte (Final due on Tuesday)
Thursday 29 August
Recorded our second recording memorized.
Need to load the Extempore App
(Read Schultüte article when done)
Wednesday 28 August
Went over Tagebuch cover and how to fill it out.
Went through numbers and alphabet
Assigned 3 lines on the Mathe und Zahlen wks.
Set up Extempore accounts and recorded the practice introduction
Tuesday 27 August
Practiced phrases, numbers, and alphabet
Finished numbers wks. (participation grade)
Monday 26 August
Covered the syllabus
Practiced phrases, more numbers, and alphabet
Friday 23 August
Went through phrases of greetings, name, how's it going,
Practiced numbers
Started alphabet
Thursday 22 August
Reviewed phrases and numbers
Wednesday 21 August
Went over phrases sheet, added numbers
Tuesday 20 August
Worked on the greetings, farewells, and in between conversation phrases
Started Alphabet, numbers 0-10
Monday 19 August
Began working on the greetings, farewells and in between conversation phrases