German II/III/IV Daily Activities

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Friday 7 March

Musik März Madness #5

Verb Quiz 3

Nicos Weg:


Thursday 6 March:

Musik März Madness #4

Chanted verbs

Finish up exercises 3 and 4 in Zeitformen und ich

Write some sentences on own on back of worksheet in the perfekt

Wednesday 5 March:

Musik März Madness #3

Finished presentations

Practiced speaking with the Perfekt

Worked on ex. 3 & 4 in Zeitformen und ich

Tuesday 4 March 

Musik März Madness #2

Verb Quiz 2

Chanted verbs

Presented Karneval

Monday 3 March

Musik März Madness #1

Chanted verbs

Karneval assignment Due Tuesday

Friday 28 February

Nicos Weg:



​German II/III/IV: Take quizzes

German II: Read Brandon Brown chapter 4 (or beyond)

German III/IV: Read other book, keep it slow.

Wednesday 26 February

Went through verbs for quiz

pd 3: Practiced Imperfekt in a story and questions

Worked ahead on ex. 3 in Zeitformen und ich, up to about 20

pd 5: Went through stories, looked at Plusquamperfekt again

Tuesday 25 February

Studied verbs for quizzes

Musik Maerz Madness bracket selection day

Monday 24 February

Assigned up to 9 & 10 in ex 3 & 4 in Zeitformen und ich. 

III/IV went through Plusquamperfekt

Friday 21 February

Nicos Weg


Thursday 20 February

Continued on the past tense, chanted quiz 1 verbs. Should be nearly done with Spaß mit den Zeitformen. 

#6-8 on exercises 3 &4 in Zeitformen und ich

Read chapter 3 Brandon Brown, discussed other stories

Wednesday 19 February

period 3, Started  the past tense in Zeitformen und ich, #1-5 on ex. 3 and 4

period 5, #6-8 in Zeitformen und ich

Read books

Tuesday 18 February

period 3, Read stories, discussed questions

period 5, started the past tense in Zeitformen und ich; #1-5 on ex. 3 & 4

Friday 14 February

Made Valentine's Day cards, wrote poems

Thursday 13 February

Went through Valentine's phrases

Wednesday 12 February 

Read books, read chapter 2 in Brandon Brown on own. Discussed stories with others

Tuesday 11 February

Read books, started Brandon Brown together

Montag 10 February


Friday 7 February

Nicos Weg  (period 3)

Muzzy (period 5)

Thursday 6 February 


Wednesday 5 February

Read 13, 14

Tuesday 4 February

Read chapter 11, 12

Monday 3 February

Read chapters 9, 10

Friday 31 January

Nicos Weg

Thursday 30 January

Read neue Schule, neue Freund K 7 & 8

Wednesday 29 January 

Read neue Schule, neue Freund K 5 & 6

Tuesday 28 January

Read neue Schule, neue Freund K 3 & 4

Monday 27 Januar

Read neue Schule, neue Freund K 1 & 2

Friday 24 January

Nicos Weg

Thursday 23 January

Finished Nicos Weg from last Friday

Wednesday 22 January

Quiz - Modals

Tuesday 21 January

Reviewed Modals, verbs, and wenn/weil

Friday 17 January

Nicos Weg 

-Went through vocab and questions

Also played a Gimkit

Thursday 16 January

Went through the wenn and weil worksheet

Wednesday 15 January

Wrote a story in class using modal verbs

Tuesday 14 January

Wrote 15 sentences with different subjects, modal verbs. Either separate sentences or a put together story

Monday 13 January

Went through crosswords, modal worksheets

Reviewed modals 

Created sentences using modal verbs and the other verbs. 

Friday 10 January

Frau Dvorak gone - do crossword

Thursday 9 January

Worked on Modal verb worksheets

Wednesday 8 January

Went through the Modal verb instruction sheet & K II verbs

Tuesday 7 January

Watched Fireworks news

Introduced modal verbs

Monday 6 January

Finished up Bleigießen and played Gimkit

Friday 3 January

Did the money Orakle (no make up)

Thursday 2 January

Started Bleigießen 

Friday 6 December

Did Saint Nickolaus come?

Nicos Weg

Thursday 5 December

Turn in Futur Corrections (II)

Turn in KII and Passiv (III/IV)

Arme Anna Vocab 8

Arme Anna Read Kapitel 8

Wednesday 4 December

Went through verbs and chose top 25 and 50

Worked on Future/KII/Passiv sentences

Wednesday 27 November

Worked on turkeys and finished up the future worksheets. 

Tuesday 26 November


Get turkeys and do turkey assignment

click here

Monday 25 November

Read Arme Anna Kapitel 6. 

Friday 22 November

Nicos Weg

Thursday 21 November

Made/added onto our verb lists

Finished up and turned in Future

Worked on KII (German III)

Worked on Passive (German IV)

Wednesday 20 November

pd 3 (out from weather) create a short list of verbs, finish future worksheet

pd 5 created a list of verbs, went through future worksheet and turned in

Tuesday 19 November

Went through Arme Anna Vocab

Finished magic 8 ball questions

Finished going through Future learning sheet

German 3/4 - worked on Werden future

Wrote future questions - 3 each. Turn in 

Monday 18 November

German 3/4 worked on werden worksheet page 1 and 2

German 2 worked on future learning. 

Asked magic 8 ball questions. 

Practiced future questions. 

Friday 15 November

Nicos Weg 

Thursday 14 November

Worked on second page of Futur Infos. 

Went through several future questions

Reviewed Arme Anna (pd 3) 

Wednesday 13 November

period 3 & 5 Finished front of Futur/Die Zukunft

Read Arme Anna Kapitel 5

Tuesday 12 November

period 3, watched Nicos Weg

started on Kapitel 5 Arme Anna

period 5, read through all of Arme Anna, discussed using vocab

Friday 8 November

Nicos Weg 

Thursday 7 November

Reviewed parts (grammatical and vocab) from Arme Anna 

Started vocab chapter 5

Played Gimkti (pd 3)

Wednesday 6 November

Mini True/False practice

Read chapter 4 (student read)

Translate a section 

Tuesday 5 November

Re-read 3, discussed parts and some culture. 

Worked on Questions

Went over vocab for Kapitel 4

Monday 4 November

Re-read 3 and went over all of 3, 

Write a summary or a translation from Kapitel 3

Friday 1 November

Quiz 10

Nicos Weg

Thursday 31 October

Arme Anna, vocab, read first half

Gimkit for Phrases

Wednesday 30 October

Reviewed Survival Phrases 10 

Read Arma Anna Kapitel 2

Extra assignment 

Level 2 - translate a paragraph or 2

Level 3/4 - Summarize a section or the whole chapter (no more than 5 sentences)

Tuesday 29 October

Reviewed Survival PHrases 10

Went through vocab for Kapitel 2

Discussed (auf Deutsch) using vocab from the chapter

Monday 28 October

 Went through Survival Phrases 10 

Re-read Arme Anna Kapitel 1 , made sure to answer questions. 

Friday 25 October

Nicos Weg & Quiz 8 - 

Published form of Tierbuch due ( blank paper, no eraser marks)

Thursday 24 October

Read through Arme Anna Kapitel 1 aloud

Went through phrases and played game

Wednesday 23 October

Final drafts of Tier due. 

Read pages 61-62 of body part stories

answered questions

"Cold read" of Arme Anna. Went through vocab after

Tuesday 22 October

Read pages 57-58 and/or 59-60

answered questions

Worked on animal books

Monday 21 October

Read pages 55-56 of body part stories

answered questions

Worked on animal books

Wednesday 16 October

Took quiz

Work day on ABC Tierbuch projekt

Tuesday 15 October

Studied phrases

Presented Bilder und Filme!

Worked on ABC Tier Buch

Monday 14 October

Reviewed phrases for quiz on WEDNESDAY

Got assigned ABC Tier Buch

Friday 11 October

Nicos Weg, Quiz 7

Thursday 10 October

Finished up sentences and project prep. 

Wednesday 9 October

Work day on Tier Körperteile  - due Friday; und Sätze - Turn in when done, 

Tuesday 8 October

Assigned Tier Körperteile

Monday 7 October

Assigned, practiced using the collected data to create our own sentences to report using comparatives and superlatives. 

Friday 4 October

Quiz 6

Nicos Weg

Thursday 3 October

Talked about German Unification Day

Finished up animals work. 

Did a little circumlocution

Played a little Gimkit

Wednesday 2 October

Went through survival phrases

Edited writings if necessary, studied body parts

Shared pretend animal - everyone drew. 

Worked on top of page 10 - animal sounds. 

Tuesday 1 October

Went through survival phrases

Went through body parts

worked on page 9

Shared echtes Tier

Monday 30 September

Komet - Kidz Bop

Komet - Udo & Apache

Reviewed Survival Phrases

Went through body parts

Worked on bottom of page 8 and top of page 9

Friday 27 September

Quiz 5

Nicos Weg

Thursday 26 September

Went through phrases 

Did Beschreibung on page 8

Played Gimkit with phrases. 

Wednesday 25 September

Looked at Hellabrunn Tierpark

Finished Körperteile, 

Worked on Wer bist du? and Richtig oder Falsch.

Tuesday 24 September

Reviewed phrases

Inputted data

Animal parts

Monday 23 September

Watched Oktoberfest video of Oktoberfest Auftakt

Reviewed phrases for the week

Started on animal parts. 

Friday 20 September

Quiz 4

Nicos Weg 9-13

Thursday 19 September

Animal Quiz

Wednesday 18 September

Study for animal quiz

Go over survey questions

Tuesday 17 September

Review Phrases & vocab

Work on comparative superlative worksheet

Monday 16 September

Go over new phrases

Re-watch Nicos Weg

Friday 13 September

Quiz 3

Nicos Weg Abs. 1-8

Donnerstag 12 September

Fill in this form:

Finish up any missing work (especially the survey questions)

Finish the comparative superlative worksheet, turn in. 

In animal packet, practice vocab from pages 1,2,3 and do page 6 (about 6 Tiere in jedes -6 animals in each)

Mittwoch 11 September

Went over phrases

Practiced animal vocab and comparatives and superlatives

Went through the infos on comparative and superlatives

Assigned Comparative and Superlative worksheet

Tuesday 10 September

Practiced vocab

Played Gimkit

Monday 9 September

Reviewed animals with figures, flashcards, book/pictures

Read Lauf, Haeschen, Lauf.

Went through survival phrases 3 and watched Is mir egal 

Friday 6 September 

Took quiz #2

Went over comparative infos 

Turned in survey questions

Thursday 5 September

Went over survival phrases

Did comparative and superlative worksheet, went over some answers

-worked on preceding adjectives (3 & 4)

Started turning in survey questions

Wednesday 4 September 

Comparative superlative review

Worked through part of page 2 and some of 3 and 4

Wrote survey questions.

Tuesday 3 September

Went over new survival phrases

Started talking comparative and superlative irregulars and filling in page 2

Started thinking of survey questions. 

Friday 30 August

Took quiz 1

worked on some vocabulary

Worked on the tierchenwelt internet search

Thursday 29 August

Reviewed survival phrases

Went through questions on pages 2 & 3

Started comparisons and superlatives. 

Wednesday 28 August


Tuesday 27 August

Played Gimkit with animals

Expanded on page 3 of vocab with Beschreibungen

Went through some answers from 2 & 3

Monday 26 August

Went through Syllabus

Practice with animals and some vocabulary, filled in further on page 3

Monday 19 - Friday 23 August

Getting settled in. Started Survival Phrases 1

Got through animals page 1 and most of 2