Praesens is the present tense which has been the main tense that you have learned from the beginning. These verbs follow the typical conjugation usually.
ich - e
du - st
er/sie/es - t
wir - en
ihr - t
sie/Sie - en
More Praesens
Praesens is the present tense which has been the main tense that you have learned from the beginning. These verbs follow the typical conjugation usually.
ich - e
du - st
er/sie/es - t
wir - en
ihr - t
sie/Sie - en
The verb is in second position in a regular sentence. It is first in a yes or no question. It is second in an information (Wer, Wie, Was...) question.
Examples of present tense sentences.
Wer hat eine Katze?
Ich habe eine Katze.
Meine Katze ist gross.
Sie spielt gern.
Besucht ihr gern Freunde?
Ja, wir besuchen gern Freunde.
Meine Freunde und ich gehen oft ins Kino.
Futur is the future tense. The future tense uses the verb werden as the helping verb like "will". The other verb is kicked to the end of the sentence or clause in the infinitive (original) form.
werden conjugation:
ich werde
du wirst
er/sie/es wird
wir werden
ihr werdet
sie/Sie werden
More Futur
Futur is the future tense. The future tense uses the verb werden as the helping verb like "will". The other verb is kicked to the end of the sentence or clause in the infinitive (original) form.
werden conjugation:
ich werde
du wirst
er/sie/es wird
wir werden
ihr werdet
sie/Sie werden
The form of werden goes in the second position in a normal statement sentence. It will be first in a yes/no question. And second in an informational (Wer, Wie, Was...) question.
Examples of Future sentences:
Wann werden wir Kaffee trinken?
Wir werden morgen ins Cafe trinken.
Wirst du Kaffee oder Tee bestellen?
Ich werde einen Cappuccino bestellen.
Imperfekt is like the simple past. This is the -ed (walked/played) tense. Many German verbs just take the stem and add -te others do what they want. They are categorized as weak, strong, and mixed
Weak (-te ending) - played, spielte; made, machte.
Strong (do what they want) - wrote, schrieb; was, war; spoke, sprach.
Mixed (a little of both) - burned, brannte; named, nannte; brought, brachte
More Imperfekt
Imperfekt is like the simple past. This is the -ed (walked/played) tense. Many German verbs just take the stem and add -te others do what they want. They are categorized as weak, strong, and mixed
Weak (-te ending) - played, spielte; made, machte.
Strong (do what they want) - wrote, schrieb; was, war; spoke, sprach.
Mixed (a little of both) - burned, brannte; named, nannte; brought, brachte
This is the tense used for writing in past tense. These are best learned by memorizing them.
Word order is just like the present tense. The verb is second in a normal sentence. The verb is first in a yes/no question. The verb is second in an informational (Wer, Wie, Was...) question.
These are conjugated with endings like modal verbs.
ich --
du -st
er/sie/es --
wir -en
ihr -t
sie/Sie -en
Ich war klein.
Meine Großmutter hatte ein Haus auf dem Land.
Wir spielten oft Karten.
Wo gingst du?
Ich ging zur Schule.
Wann kauftet ihr Milch?
Wir kauften Milch am Montag.
Perfekt is the conversational past in German. This past tense uses a helping verb (haben or sein) which is conjugated. Then a past participle is kicked to the end similar to the future. The past participle never changes form. These also come in weak, strong and mixed. The verbs that are weak in Imperfekt are weak in Perfekt, same for strong and mixed.
Weak (-t ending) - has played, hat gespielt; has played, hat gespielt
Strong (-n ending & stem change) - has written, hat geschrieben; has been, ist gewesen; has spoken, hat gesprochen
Mixed (-t ending & stem change) - has burned, hat gebrannt; has named, hat genannt; has brought, hat gebracht
More Perfekt
Perfekt is the conversational past in German. This past tense uses a helping verb (haben or sein) which is conjugated. Then a past participle is kicked to the end similar to the future. The past participle never changes form. These also come in weak, strong and mixed. The verbs that are weak in Imperfekt are weak in Perfekt, same for strong and mixed.
Weak (-t ending) - has played, hat gespielt; has played, hat gespielt
Strong (-n ending & stem change) - has written, hat geschrieben; has been, ist gewesen; has spoken, hat gesprochen
Mixed (-t ending & stem change) - has burned, hat gebrannt; has named, hat genannt; has brought, hat gebracht
The past participles must be memorized as they are.
Choosing haben or sein as the helper must also be memorized.
Only haben and sein are conjugated. Here are the conjugations as a refresher.
ich habe
du hast
er/sie/es hat
wir haben
ihr habt
sie/Sie haben
ich bin
du bist
er/sie/es ist
wir sind
ihr seid
sie/Sie sind
Ich bin im Pool geschwommen.
Er hat Hausaufgaben gemacht.
Was hast du gehört?
Ich habe Musik gehört.
Habt ihr X-Box gespielt?
Nein, wir haben keinen X-Box gespielt.