German I
Links for your Internet search. (All answers are in here)
Fasching in Germany - ThoughCo.com
Köln Karneval - Carnaval.com
Carneval in Cologne 2020 - Cologne-tourism.de
Carnivaland - Carnivaland.net
German II/III/IV
Create a PowerPoint
To learn about GERMAN KARNEVAL, you will do a fast research. This is not a full blown term paper. Look up the information. Summarize it. Share it with your classmates. PowerPoints are for Bullet points, not paragraphs. But ALSO you never read just the bullet points. When you present, you say more than what is on the slide.
You will create a six slide PowerPoint/Google Slides that includes information based on your assigned topic (Your title slide and any other nonsense slide doesn't count). No topic changes. If you have a general topic, your focus is on Karneval in Köln Deutschland. If you've exhausted that information, then you may continue looking in other areas of Germany and gradually expand your geographical range.
This is due on Tuesday! This next Tuesday. The day after Monday. It will be presented that day!
If you are stuck for information, look at the German I links. Share your PowerPoint (martina.dvorak@k12.nd.us) with me when complete. You can use slides in Google too (martina.dvorak.k12@gmail.com).
Weiberfastnacht - Hunter, Annalynn
Rosenmontag - Trevor, Grace
Karneval Dienstag - Joey
Aschermittwoch & Lent - Erika, Emma
Kostüme - Jericka, Lucien
Rio & French Carneval - Haydn
Alternative Karneval (burning the Nubbel) - Carter
Parade Floats (Dusseldorf)
Mardi Gras
City of Cologne, Köln